Tanks! Daily Project Notes
Since the beginning of development a log of the changes and additions to "Tanks!" has been kept. This log also notes the transition of the project from the originally proposed adventure game, to the action arcade game it currently is.
December 8 2014
- solved issue with cycling inventory ('E')
- working on cycling in opposite direction ('Q')
- BUG with the drawn sprites: they are drawn on the room coordinate, not the view
December 12
- both inventory cycling keys are now working
- bomb is still dysfunctional
- working on stacking of the same items (quantity) and the four-directional movement of enemies
December 13
- inventory reworked (now uses a selector instead of shifting the inventory to cycle through it); still a bug with the sprites somehow
- scrapped item stacking
December 14
- obj_eScout: direction, movement & aggro capabilities functioning; working on damaging the player
- added GUI for the player's health
- added river terrain (obj_barrier), add bridge or something later
- working on pause menu (doesn't actually pause the game yet)
December 15
- added intro page
- working on saving and loading capabilities
December 16- Revise project for smaller scale
December 17
- obj_eTroop is working decently.
- made script for destroying enemies (will be used to easily score)
- added score and lives
- working on a highscore
December 18
- TESTING - white box & static testing - combed through and got rid of dead code
December 19
- added saving and loading, now working on ending the game & highscore
- saving & loading now consists of (player health, score, lives, room)
December 22
- lives and health work properly (with invulnerability upon losing a life)
- scrapped a saved game - now it's just a highscore and always a fresh start.
- obj_eTroop working decently - also has new sprite.
- working on powerups using a single variable with multiple states and a switch
December 29
- three operational powerups: piercing bullets, speed up, invincibility.
- added a pickup that restores the player's hp upon collision.
- added room transitions, a victory room, and a death room.
- experimented with cursor sprites.
- now working on enemy spawning
December 30
- fixed spawning of enemies
- enemies now have a chance to drop health packets upon death
- powerups now spawn at irregular intervals (same script as enemy spawning)
- now multiple enemies can spawn out of multiple spawners
- the level # is now displayed on the HUD
- refined HUD and spawners
December 31
- changed the creation of mp_grid and path of the enemy to stop memory leaks. (Pathfinding)
January 2, 2015
- implemented paused game upon level start (displaying the level #)
- fixing bugs with pausing & spawning, and HP
January 5
- Scrapped obj_eScout because of pathfinding issues.
- Added obj_eGatling (gatling gun enemy)
- fixed bullet damaging brick wall (enemy bullets were doing the wrong amounts of damage)
- fixed bullet direction bug
January 6
- Instructions menu screen fixed
- fixed bug with powerups spawning while game is paused (alarm error)
January 7
- GUI now shows the current active powerup.
- player now actually respawns at the spawnpoint with a shield animation (object).
- added a new pickup - extra lives that will be dropped by enemies
- busting as many minor bugs I can as I find them -- also balancing
January 9
- Added sound effects using bfxr.
- added screen shake effect upon death because I can
- busted obj_eTroop movement bug--possible that all bugs with its pathfinding are fixed now
- Static testing: looked over comments and tweaked for clarity
- Objective & White box testing: removed old save & loading scripts, refined player movement (now supports arrow keys). Only two objects are still in the project files that are not used.
January 10
- added more levels, adjusted difficulty.
- added particle effects to victory and defeat screens